Monday, August 14, 2006

Where does Love Come From?

Not asking for what I wanted. Being afraid to tell people what I was really feeling. Not speaking up for myself if I thought it would make someone mad at me. People-pleasing and self-denial. Never feeling like I had done enough, or that I was good enough. Always needing someone else to determine my self-worth. Each of the little piles had a different shape or form, but at the core they were all the same. I was still looking for love.

Taken from "Yesterday, I Cried" by Iyanla Vanzant

This program has taught me so much about love. I know now that love has to start with me. When I can be honest about who I am and what I need I have a beginning. My Higher Power will guide me if only I accept who I am and work towards become who he wants me to be. I spent many years trying to buy, bagain and cheat love into my life. All I ever got was more pain and feelings of worthlessnes. Now that I am willing to look in the mirror and recognize that I am a child of God and he made me just the way I'm suppose to, I have found love. By working the steps this program suggests I have learned how to love others and how to be loved. I have for the first time in my life true friendships and true love. I am able to recognize that other persons are they way that God created them to be and to accept and love them, rather than try and change them. It hads made my marriage deeper and stronger and I know that I have a few people I can always count on to be there when I need them. The folks I used to call friends are not here for me and they never really were before, they have not yet learned to love themselves and have no idea what love really is. I thank my Higher Power everyday for the gift of life and the ablility to give and receive love.


Trudging said...

You are right, it all starts with you!

Scott M. Frey said...

thanks Rex, wonderful read this morning. I can so relate to the reading above your comments. It works so wonderfully, to give love, rather than to expect it or go looking for it. But, it definitely starts with loving myself. I remember being in men's meetings and being told to look myself in the mirror and tell me that I love me.... Oh geeze... havent done that in awhile!

Mama Dukes said...

unconditional love was something I knew nothing about until recently--

love, love, love is all you need...
--from a Beatles tune

now, loving myself enuff to stop harming myself--thats what I'm striving for these days--and ya know how I harm myself most? Pushing away the love! Geez
thanks for being here Rexie I learn from you

Mama Dukes said...

unconditional love was something I knew nothing about until recently--

love, love, love is all you need...
--from a Beatles tune

now, loving myself enuff to stop harming myself--thats what I'm striving for these days--and ya know how I harm myself most? Pushing away the love! Geez
thanks for being here Rexie I learn from you

butterflygirl said...

As always Rex, great post. Are you reading my mind?

Anonymous said...

You have a voice. Therefore, you exist. Renae Descartes highlights on his human philosophy journals. I've once been unaware of what strangers will react to what I have to say, and how I will back opinion up. You tell the truth, don't hold back any fears. Even if you were not to be believed, God watches over you.


lash505 said...

Damn thats a pallet full.

Anna said...

Wonderful post chickie :)

Unknown said...

I always wanted other people to love and adore me but could not give it back. Today I am learning to love myself and others just like you. Thanks ~