Today's thought is:
Through many dangers, toils and snares, I have already come. 'Tis grace that hath brought me safe thus far and grace will lead me home.'--John Newton
Today and always, let joy be your compass. When choosing a direction in life, choose the path of your heart. Do what you love, follow your bliss.
Fun is an underestimated emotion in our culture. We are told as children, "If you waste time having fun, you won't get anything serious accomplished." Yet most successful people describe their work as being incredibly joyful. An office that sings with laughter is always more productive. As one executive remarked, "The more I enjoy my work, the more efficient I become."
Joy and laughter improve the quality of our relationships. Couples who lighten up rarely split up. Laughing at a difficult situation fosters detachment and understanding. It is only when we get too serious that trouble arises.
Since love is the highest _expression of the Divine, following that path of love and joy will lead you to God-consciousness. What more is there?
Our vacation comes to an end today. I plan to take the love and joy we experienced with me and find ways for it to continue. It was a wonderful week, filled with joy and love......a few of the roses had thorns, but they are still beautiful. Last night I had a wonderful time. I was able to visit with Tammy, a wonderful friend, who has moved in pursuit of her love and joy. I was also able to meet a fellow blogger(Phyllis), and she was full of love and joy. I will have a picture up tomorrow, or you can check her page (there is a link in my blog roll). We had a wonderful dinner and made plans to meet again next month. I am renewed and ready to return to work with a new sense of love and joy. My husband and I refound our love and joy this vacation as we celebrated our 21st anniversary (we got to watch the sunset on the ocean that evening). This trip I was able to reflect on all that is good in my life. My gratitude list is long, and when that is the case, there is lots of love and joy. I am especially grateful to have a relationship with a power greater than myself. When that relationship is right you can't help but be filled with love and joy!
Wow 21 we just had 13
21 years is wonderful!
Congrats on 21 years of marriage. That is fantastic.
"Joy and laughter improve the quality of our relationships"
Thank you for this. We are a crazy house with tons of laughs mixed in.
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