Friday, November 30, 2007

Open Minds

I had a very disappointing day yesterday and was feeling pretty down. I got an e-mail from my dearest friend when i awoke this morning that really set the tone for the day today. Thought I would share it will you:

How willing are you to learn something new? How open are you to new perspectives?

Only when we’re open can we really hear what’s being said or really see what’s happening or really experience the moment.

Openness demands that we be willing to move to places we’ve never been before. It asks us to continually challenge the foundations of our belief systems so we can test out new ideas. And to do that, we need to accept insecurity.

'The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn.'

by-- Alvin Toffler

You see I got some news yesterday that was not what I wanted to hear. When I read this e-mail it reminded me that I have not been very open. Not open to accept things for what they really are and therefore not open to trying new ways to solve the problem. My success is going to be measured by how open I can become to accept reality and how open I want to be in trying new and different ways to deal with that reality. It was a big reminder to back when I first got sober. I was so closed minded to the possibility of a Higher Power being able to help me accomplish that which I had been unable to accomplish on my own that I nearly allowed that closed mindedness to take my life. Once I allowed a small amount of openness in it caught hold and eventually the door way to a whole new spirituality and a whole new life was wide open. If I am to move forward from the place I am then I must again allow that door way to crack open ever so slighty, to unlearn what my mind says is the only way to solve this problem, and be open to learning a new way. Once again confirming that the key to happiness and succcess lies within me and the choices i make. I am so blessed to have this friend in my life as a reminder to always remain teachable.


Anna said...

That whole accepting insecurity is so hard for me. I want people to like me and what I do. I don't want to admit to myself much less you that I am afraid and just want to hide under the covers. Sometimes I get so afraid of what may/maynot happen that I become ridged and unable to keep my mind open to new things. I am so glad this inspired you as it did me~ I love ya!

Unknown said...

I understand. Being open is great ~ remaining open even better. I have to work at it too.

Hope your day is better today.


Mary P Jones (MPJ) said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog.

My husband said that we find God in an openness to possibilities. When we are closed and narrow minded, we are shutting our Higher Power out. When we open our minds, God shows us the answers that were there all along.