A man died and went to Heaven.
St. Peter asked, "What denomination are you?" and the man said "i don't belong here, I don't go to church." St. Peter said, "well, we don't make mistakes, you belong here, let's just walk around and you can see where you'd like to stay."
So they walked down the hall, and St. Peter opened a door and there were all these pews with people kneeling and praying and crossing themselves. "who are they?" asked the man. "those are the Catholics," answered St. Peter. "well, I don't want to stay there," said the man and they walked on down the hall.
St. Peter opened the next door, and there were all these pews with people sitting in them staring straight ahead. "who are they?" asked the man. "those are the Protestants," answered St. Peter. "well, I don't want to stay here," said the man, and they walked on down the hall.
The next room they went into, the man smelled coffee as soon as the door opened. The man looked inside and there were all these people laughing and hugging each other. He watched them stand in a circle and say the Serenity Prayer. The man said, "i like these people, who are they?"
St. Peter shrugged his shoulders and said, "I don't know, they won't tell us."
Author Unknown
Crazy day today. I got a call from the surgeon's office saying they needed to bump my case up. So I'm having surgery on this Friday the 1st. I had a few moments of panic. My head took off and all kinds of crazy thoughts about not being ready popped up. In reality it is a blessing, as the pain gets worse by the day and now I have one less week of that to endure. I found two excerpts of prayers that really helped me to stay focused and in the moment today.
The first is from the book 24 Hours a day for Sept. 7th. It goes like this....human beings, in their troubles and difficulties need nothing so much as refuge, a place to relax where they can lay down their burdens and get relief from cares....."God is my refuge." Say it until it sinks into their soul. Say it until you know it and are sure of it. Nothing can seriously upset you or make you afraid, if God is truly your refuge."
The other was taken from the same book for Sept. 29th. It says, I must face each challenge that comes to me during the day, sure that God will give me strength to face it. For every task that is given me, there is also given me all the power necessary for the performance of that task.
I was reminded to pause when doubtful and ask for guidance (step 11). I did that and took tim to look at those prayers and it made for a great day. I was successful at quieting the circus in my head and I love days like that.
Hey Rexie, its Tuesday and we are snowed in. I read on your blog about your surgery this Friday, you are in my prayers keep doing what you are pray, meetings, staying connected, being honest with yourself always. Take care HUGS
Best wishes on your surgery event. I enjoy reading about your Faith being tested for the better.
I also enjoyed reading about the man who passed, those darn anonymous folks! :)
you are in my prayers
Hola Rex
I'll be thinking of you on Friday.
Thanks for the St Peter joke...v.good!
Thanks for helping me stay sober and sane(ish) today.
K x
Rex buddy, you are in my prayers too.
you are in my prayers
will hope for you to have a speedy recovery
It is Friday a.m. and I have offered prayers for your safe surgery and recovery. With love,we walk this with you...
Hope all went well. Thinking of you.
K (((hug))) xxx
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