Sunday, November 26, 2006

The Journey

Today's Thought

You are reading from the book Each Day a New Beginning.

It isn't for the moment you are struck that you need courage, but for the long uphill climb back to sanity and faith and security.--Anne Morrow Lindbergh

Most of us are on a long uphill climb at this moment. It is a climb we are making together, and yet a climb we can't do for each other. I can reach out my hand to you, and you can grasp my hand in return. But my steps are my own, just as you, too, can only take one-step at a time.

For brief periods we skip, even run, along the uphill path. The rocks and the occasional boulder momentarily trip us up. We need patience and trust that the summit is still achievable. We can help one another have patience. We can remind one another to trust.

We look back at the periods that devastated us so long ago. And now we are here. We have climbed this far. We are stronger, saner, and more secure. Each step makes easier the next step--each step puts us on more solid ground.

I may run into some rocks or even a boulder today. I have stepped around them in the past. I will do so again.
This was a good reminder for me today. I must remember that I have used the tools in the program in the past when I have had obstacles and they worked. The fear of facing the unknown is not real.....if I simply apply the tools I have been given light will come to the darkness. If I let fear overwhelm me then I will be too confused to let the light in.


butterflygirl said...

I definitely needed to hear this-thanks!

Trudging said...

Thank you!