Saturday, October 07, 2006

Lunch & Fun

We had a wonderful visit today and got all caught up. Got to meet Tom and he is a wonderful guy. Meg looks awesome......amd very happy too. We even brought Anna's hunny Ron along for the Tom would have someone to talk to while us girls got all caught up!

Anna & Ron, Rexie, Meg & Tom


madameplushbottom said...

D'ang girl you are speedy gonzales with the posting of the pic. It was wonderful to see you and Anna and to meet Ron.

Looking forward to the next trip already. Take gentle care Rex and keep working it like ya do Ms. Thang!

Unknown said...

I love to get caught up with friends~

Anonymous said...

Looks and sounds like a great get together, glas you had a good time

Trudging said...

It sounds like such fun

butterflygirl said...

so glad to hear all went well

Mike said...

Just dropped by to say hi.

I just passed 18 months of sobriety and it keeps getting better.


Anonymous said...

Smiles happening everywhere. How awesome to enjoy the company of one another . . . great master plan to bring the boys along to allow them to social ;)

Girls time together is aewsome. Glad you had a blast.

JJ said...

I'm jealous you got to meet Meg. Isn't she great! Sounds all sounds is good.
I see you,

Mama Dukes said...

So glad you had a nice time on vacation
its so nice to find time to catch up with friends

Scott M. Frey said...

great photo, what a bunch of happy peeps!