Got home late last night. I'm back to the real world today. I'm so thankful that I was able to sneak in a little vacation before fall turns into winter (that happened already in Minnesota....damm it's cold there). It was just what I needed. I was able to really relax, catch up on some sleep, see my very bestest girl friend, and really concentrate on regrouping and making plans for getting myself back on the right path.
Today I start a journey of discovery and healing that is long over due. I will be inlocking the door on a very ugly closet from the past that needs cleaned out. It's time. I have done everything humanly possible to keep the door locked and it has lead me to some very low places, and I want to be raised where eagles fly. The only way that can happen is to clean out the dark corners, ugly clossets and bring the sunlight of the spirit to those places. I know it will be painful at times, I will find anger and hurt, but I have learned that this is the only way if I want to live and find some measure of peace and serenity. The thought that keeps me going is that in the end it will be so much better.
Thanks so much for all your help and continued support Mable. You have taught me so much, and I know there are so many more good things to come....I see them in your examples. The biggest tool you have shown me is that the journey always begins with the truth and I will be forever grateful for that. Can't wait until May when I can call ya Grandma!
Miss ya already (((maude))) Keep in mind that God is going to turn to good what was ment to harm you. Once you unlock that door there will be blessings waiting for you... there will be new life and vision. Its so dark before the dawn but the sun does rise and it will rise on you too.
Fall is definitely coming quickly...glad you got to enjoy your vacation.
Sounds like lots and lots of fun
he he great pic! couple a happy peas in a pod! the miracle of recovery that brings us together, I love it!
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