We took our son to see the United States Coast Guard Academy recruiter on Tuesday evening. It was an impresssive presentation for sure. My son is pretty interested in applying for admissions there. I am so torn as a mother. I want him to follow his dreams and it would be a huge honor for him to be accepted there as only about 325 appointments are offered per year. I just don't know if I'm ready for him to go all the way across the country when he graduates from high school. He would have to put in time during the summer doing coast guard things that are really quiet cool, but would only get to come home about 40 days a year. When my daughter left for school she went to a top rated division I school and lived on campus but it was in our home town and she could pop by the house anytime she wanted. So she moved out and is living on her own but we get to see alot of her. My son moving from Washington state to Conneticut would be a huge transition. I have to learn to put all this in God's hands and trust that it will be okay. I am concentrating on the basics in my program right now and those principles will certainly come on handy when my son makes his decision. I could chose to influence him positively or negatively.....put if I place the outcome in God's hands I have nothing to fear. Easier said than done, but that is my prayer for today. I must remember that our children are only here for a little while and they too must walk their own journey. It is his journey alone....and with God's help he will be successful in whatever endeavor he choses to pursue.....God's will be done.
I know it's tough, but keep that good attitude. He needs your support.
letting go of our babies is the toughest thing to do--even when they think they are men...
Oooh I am not there yet. I wish you the best in this journey of motherhood and hope I can learn from all of you ahead of me.
I can't imagine going through that yet. Stay strong.
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