God, more than anything else in this world, I just don't want to be sick anymore.
God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change (people, places and things).
The courage to change the things I can (my attitudes),
And the common sense to know the difference.
God help me to stay clean and sober this day, even in spite of myself. Help me, Lord, to stay sensitive to my own needs and the things that are good for me, and to stay sensitive to the needs of others and the things that are good for them.
And if You please, Lord, free me enough of the bondage of self that I may be of some useful value as a human being, whether I understand or not,
That I may carry my own keys, maintain my own integrity, and live this day at peace with You, at peace with myself, and at peace with the world I live in, just for today.
God help me during this day to demonstrate that:
It is good for me to love and to be loved.
It is good for me to understand and to be understood.
It is good for me to give and receive.
It is good for me to comfort and to allow myself to be comforted.
And it is obviously far better for me to be useful as a human being, than to be selfish.
God, help me please help me to put one foot in front of the other, to keep moving forward, and to do the best I can with what I have today,
Accepting the results of whatever that may or may not be.
Taken from The 12 Step Prayer Book
My prayer for the day....it has come to my attention yet again that I am trying to control things that are beyond my control. I need to accept that I have certain things in my life that have the appearance of being things I can change when in reality they are things I cannot change. By continually trying to change that which I cannot I am being selfish and not of maximum service to God and those around me. So for today I will pray this prayer and pick up the tools that have been given me to deal with those things.....thanks to those who love me enough to help me see this blind spot and have so compassionately guided me on this journey.
Hi Rex,
Sorry I have not visited you. For some reason my Safari browser is being stubborn at some data here making it freeze up and crash. I made it back however . . .
I agree with Tab, I too admire your honesty. Have a blessed weekend!
Very honest rex, it's cool..
This is a great reminder.
I am like this. and until now I am struggling.... I was hurt too many times and now im afraid to trust people. I tend to control all the things around me to prevent from being hurt again.....
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