Saturday, March 22, 2008

The Next Right Thing

Soooo much has happened since I last posted anything. I am all moved into mmy new place. My dogs have finally come to live with me after being away from them for several months. The divorce papers are signed. All that is left is the settlement and the 90 day waiting period.

Seems strange that life as I knew it can be reduced to practically nothing with a few papers and signatures. Anna was able to come for 10 days earlier this month and that was just what I needed. We did some rock hounding, some step work, and lots of meetings. It was good for me to have her here.

Now I am working on what is next in life. I am staying very busy in the program. I am now sponsoring 4 women which keeps me very busy and out of my head. My sponsor has also volunteered me for a District service postion, as well as, home group service position. With all that I don't really have too much time to get into trouble......but I still time to do it. I know that if I pour myself into the program right now it will save my ass.

So this is what I am doing.....and eventually I know that I will know a new freedom and a new happiness. The promises will and have been coming true and I am told by the Big Book and the fellowship that this will one day be an assest to me. So I get up, shower, suit up and show up. It really helps to stay in the moment so that is what I do. Eating lots of oranges these days.....(see the story of the orange linked in my blog).


dAAve said...

Trust the process and NEVER give up!

butterflygirl said...

Glad to hear things are going as best as they can during this time. Happy Easter!

Kathy Lynne said...

Change is good, can be hard, but in the end, its good.

Fireman John said...

I admire your outlook and dedication
to service. you already have freedom
from the "ball & chain"; and with it the ability to pursue happiness.