Saturday, March 01, 2008


Well, tomorrow I move again. The place I have been staying was only a temporary arrangement until I could find something. I found the perfect little place for me. I can't wait until it's all unpacked and I can get my puppies and bring them to their new home. I have missed them very much these last three weeks. Things seem to be moving so fast that I can barely process them so I'm just hanging on for dear life. My soon to be Ex has already had divorce papers draw up and sent to me. He seems very eager to get this all over with. I'm barely coming to terms with the fact that it's happening and need to stop and breath just a bit, which is making him impatient, but he'll survive. It will be a very long busy week trying to get everything sort of unpacked. Then next weekend Mable is flying out for a visit and we are going to an AA conference for the weekend. I'm very much looking forward to that......need to re-energize. I know that staying close to my program is very important right now while I am on this emotional roller coaster. My Higher Power has a way of making sure I do that......I had another Gal ask me to sponsor her last night after the meeting. So I will be meeting with sponsees 3 days out of the week now and my sponsor on the fourth.....that doesn't leave me much time to get in trouble and I like that. Just what I needed to get me through all this stuff.


Tabitha.Montgomery said...

Life is so full of surprises and unknowns Rexie but you sound like you are taking steps forwards.Even if they are not face paced like your ex's.
Enjoy each day the best you can through this big transition my friend...You seem tohave a great head on your shoulders and an open heart too~!

dAAve said...

It sounds like you're doing very well. Keep it up.

butterflygirl said...

Having your own place will be so good for you. Your attitude seems great. Keep working it.

msb said...

Thinking of you.