Friday, September 28, 2007

Yes, I am one of them too

I was at a meeting this past week and there was a discussion of the classification of Alcoholism as a disease rather than weak will power. A person stated, as part of their coming to understand it as a disease, they were told that the gene for alcoholism had been identified. At that very moment my "alcoholic mind" took off on a tangent. I found myself thinking, "I need genetic testing to prove that I do not have the alcoholic gene so that I may drink again!" I caught myself and brought myself back to reality........if I were not an alcoholic would I even be thinking such thoughts? If I were not alcoholic then why had I been unable to stop on all the previous attempts? Duh.....all I had to do was look at the case record.....gene testing was not necessary to prove I have the alcoholic gene! I shared my thought in the meeting and laughed at myself all evening. My best thinking landed me in all kinds of bad spots and it tried yet again....Today I am so grateful for a Higher Power, the program and the fellowship that I have learned that I don't have to listen to those thoughts if I so chose.


butterflygirl said...

Happy Weekend!

Mama Dukes said...

so good you can hear the reality in the face of stinking thinking

msb said...

Ya my best thinking usually gets me in a world of deep dudu if I'm not on it all the time. What a rascal my thinker is.

Trudging said...

Yep, my mind is like a bad neighborhood, DON'T GO IN THERE ALONE!

nickycakes said...

I feel like your blog would be a valuable resource for other people in recovery at my recovery blog list. Please take a moment and sign up if you would like to take part @

Also I've designed a cool sobriety time counter that you can add to your blog here:

please email me at if you have any suggestions or questions about the site =)


Tabitha.Montgomery said...


sharonsjourney said...

I got your blog from Meg's kindred spirits. Boy could I relate to the stinking thinking. I've thot I should have the testing too! Like I need that proof!

Sylvia said...

I tried for a long time to figure out why I drank and did drugs. Then I took a look at my family and came to the conclusion a long time ago, it had to be genetic. Did not make me feel any better but at least there was a reason.