Today's Thought
You are reading from the book Twenty Four Hours a Day Hardcover (24 Hours).
A.A. Thought for the Day
I have hope. That magic thing that I had lost or misplaced. The future looks dark no more. I do not even look at it, except when necessary to make plans. I try to let the future take care of itself. The future will be made up of todays and todays, stretching out as short as now and as long as eternity. Hope is justified by many right nows, by the rightness of the present. Nothing can happen to me that God does not will for me. I can hope for the best, as long as I have what I have and it is good. Have I hope?
Meditation for the Day
Faith is the messenger that bears your prayers to God. Prayer can be like incense, rising ever higher and higher. The prayer of faith is the prayer of trust that feels the presence of God, which it rises to meet. It can be sure of some response from God. We can say a prayer of thanks to God every day for His grace, which has kept us on the right way and allowed us to start living the good life. So we should pray to God with faith and trust and gratitude.
Prayer for the Day
I pray that I may feel sure of some response to my prayers. I pray that I may be content with whatever form that response takes.
Mable asked me if I read this today and said she thought of me when she read it. So I took a few minutes out of my busy day and took it in. It is true. I am full of hope today, something I was lacking not so long ago. I have found that voice. Once I quit fighting and surrendered my life it was just there. It has probably been there all along but I wasn't allowing myself to listen. I have worked hard at staying in today and making plans but not planning outcomes. Something is working in my life that wasn't there before and my fear has diminished. I do pray with gratitude, faith and trust these days. I am grateful to the example you have given me to follow too Mable. Thanks so much for sharing your experience, strength and hope with me.
I was just talking about my Grandmother Mabel on my Blog. Oh and by the way, hope is a most excellent thing. How are the cub scout doing this year?
your welcome chickie
Just this week my sponsor and I talked about how much better life has become since surrendering, not fighting. Don't have to work so darn hard for recovery when I stop fighting it. Yup, not only doesn't the future look dark anymore but I don't have to consider the future like I used to plan and plan and plan----now I can let God's grace work and do what is put in front of me to do
I love watching you grow, thanks for sharing
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