Wednesday, December 13, 2006


Today's Thought

You are reading from the book Each Day a New Beginning.

What a strange pattern the shuttle of life can weave.--Frances Marion

How shortsighted is our judgment about today's experiences! We'll see with clarity where they may lead us only after we've reached our destination. Of one thing we can be certain: Today's experiences, in concert with yesterday's and all that's gone before, are combining to weave an intricate life design, unique, purposeful, and for our ultimate good.

We need not feel remorse over lost chances or unproductive behavior in the past. Our destination remains the same, and our arrival is guaranteed. Our actions and decisions are never wrong. We may veer off course for a time, but the design for our lives will pull us back on the track.

The program is part of the design for our lives. It's helping us to stay on course. In fact, when we're working the Steps, we're at ease with our direction, and we trust the outcome of our efforts to the power of the program. We will add to the richness of our design, today, just as we have every day of our lives. We can anticipate today's experiences with an excited heart.

There is something special going on in my life today. I will give everybody and every event my full attention.

The best way I can ensure I am working the steps and staying on the path is to live each moment as fully as possible. It is in doing the little things in front of me to do each day that the lessons and rewards arrive. When I'm not being present in the moment I will miss the the lessons and rewards. My sponsor taught me this by always saying "be where your hands are." It took me a while to figure out what that meant exactly. It really hit home for me when a bestest friend taught me the lesson of the orange. (Look in my archives to find it). So everyday I try to with my orange.....


lash505 said...

Totally amen to that bro..

SimplyAnna69 said...

Hey! I had an orange today :)

Meg Moran said...

oh yes, the little I'm off to find the lesson of the orange

Anonymous said...

I always love the readings you post.

I am not sure if I get what your sponsor says but I know once I do I will sit back and go "ahhh, I get it."

Happy Friday!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for your kind words on my blog. It is appreciated more than you may know.

Recovery Road London said...

Great post, smashing pic. Thanks for sharing them and helping to keep me sober for another day.