"In a dream you can behold rich people, poor people, someone strong, someone else groaning with disease, someone dying, and someone being born. But when you wake up, you realized that it was only a dream. This universe is God's dream. And when I ask Him, 'Why do You not dream only beautiful dreams? Why must Your play be fraught with nightmares?' He replies 'You must be able to enjoy both the nightmares and the beautiful experiences for what they are--dreams, only dreams. But if you dream only beautiful dreams, you will be drowned in that beauty, and never wish to wake up.' That is the answer. So you must not be frightened when nightmares come, but say, 'Lord, it is a passsing dream. It has no reality. 'And when you are smiling with health and happiness, say, 'Lord, it is a beautiful dream, but do what You like with my dreams of life.' When you are neither touched by the nightmares of disease and suffering and worries, nor bound by the beautiful dreams, then God says,' Wake up, now! Come back Home.' "
---from the essay "Why God Created The World", written December, 1945, excerpted from the book "Journey To Self Realization" by Paramahansa Yogananda, pg 49
This was wonderful to read. I have been plagued with nightmares latley and they reading helped me to find some perspective. It really is just a passing dream and although it might have once had some reality, it has none for me now. So long as I rely on my HP for strength these dreams no longer have to cause me pain. I have nothing to fear so long as I rely on that faith. God will restore me to sanity. God will heal the wounds of reality and replace them with freedom from fear and bondage. He will raise me up where eagles fly if I only reach out and take his hand.
I can totally relate to the nightmare thing! I am glad that you have found some solace!
I am with you bro.
Hi Rex,
Not sure if I left a comment. So, I will again. Dreams are so real at times leaving some lefft overs of the emotions felt when we wake up. I see you channeling the bad. Very healing.
Go visit Carly...she is dreaming something other than nightmares.
Sometimes I think nightmares and dreams are an opportunity to work thru stuff
Yup. I've woekn up and gone
Take it easy.
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