In confusion
“It is while trying to get everything straight in my head that I get confused.”
-- Mary Virginia Micka
When I get confused, when my mind is wrestling with what to do, I have learned to abandon my thought processes completely. The best solution, I’ve discovered, lies in asking my heart for direction. This requires that I stop my mental chatter, either by sitting in silence or by doing something completely different. In quiet, still space, I often know what’s needed, with a clarity I never get from the labouring of my mind.
And I now know, without doubt, that when I’m confused is never the time to act. I must wait for clarity.
“I have never been lost, but I will admit to being confused for several weeks.”
-- Daniel Boone
When I finally got around to reading this today it was exactly what I needed to hear. I have being working so hard at finding clarity and direction that I'm more confused than ever. It's time to stop and listen to my heart. I am allowing that voice of ego to get loud again, and direction is to be found in the quiet heart of my Higher Power. It feels as though I am doing nothing by just sitting here quietly, but I have been told over and over that in fact that is where I will find the direction I am seeking....in the stillness.
I agree with Tab!
I love the Daniel Boone quote, and the picture on the thread below it.
Thanks for your kind words at my place.
K .x.
love ya
ahh ego---listening to the little e voice inside instead of the loud big booming E one--- for me it never works when I try to think my way there but listening within and without yeah, thats been a key
Gorgeous image. Thanks...
Ah! Again more stuff I need to hear/read!!!!
Thanks~ I love when that happens.
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