Today's thought is:
To avoid pain at all costs forces us to reject half the lessons life can teach. --Jan Pishok
If we could remember that every experience we'll ever have is unique and offers us a lesson we will grow from, we'd accept them all with far greater ease. What's there to be afraid of anyway? God is never absent. In fact, God is present during every experience. Remembering this makes us courageous as we walk through the turmoil that interrupts the peaceful times.
Before coming to this program, we feared most of the situations that called to us, and understandably so. We were often trying to do the improbable without the wisdom or the guidance that might have guaranteed success. By taking the Third Step every morning of our lives, as has been suggested, we can positively influence the outcome of every experience we'll have. Hallelujah!
I will not avoid any experience today. I'll simply remember that God is present and that I need to know what calls to me.
I'm trying to stay with my pain these days and remember I am not alone. I have gotten many experiences form painful experiences thus far. I always ran but they got up with me. I'm trying to stay here and now and know that if G.O.D. brought me to this place, than I'm ready for it, because I was told early on that when the student is ready the teacher will appear...
AMEN to the third step, sister!!
It was the hardest step for me, but once I understood the concept of letting go, and letting GOD take over, then my life became much easier and less stress!!
Life is Goooood!
I like this too sounds like something I would say. I think one of the reasons I look so hard for the lesson is to ease the pain and fear that I am feeling. I can get so wrapped up in pain and fear that I start to lose faith I have no hope so it's either sit there and die or try and out run it all. When I can live in the solutions I can walk through my days learning all the lessons this life has for me.
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