Do you love yourself?
"At the heart of personality is the need to feel a sense of being lovable without having to qualify for that acceptance."
-- Dr. Paul Tournier
How do you see yourself as unlovable?
Take a few minutes to write down why you perceive yourself to be unlovable. Look at the list and see if you can identify where those characterizations originated. Can you pinpoint old messages from parents, teachers, and friends that led you to negative conclusions about yourself? Are those messages valid today?
The beliefs we adopt as children usually don't hold when we view them objectively as adults. Can you let them go? Can you begin to see yourself as a unique _expression of life, a genuine gift to the world?
"You, yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection."
-- Buddha
"Limitless like the ocean are your excellent qualities."
-- Dalai Lama
...The more the soul knows, the more she loves, and loving much, she tastes much. ~W.H. Murray
Love is my fav topic, this is a good post. I still sometimes have problems with old messages. Today I have hope though :)
Good post!
Working the 12 ateps really helped me live in a more loving world without resentments and full of forgiving! Life is goooood!
At Church today we had a special prayer session for people needing extra prayers. It was awesome!
I can't even get into the loving myself conversation. Not a good thing with me right now.
I see you,
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